The machine does not give love to the product, but a happy person yes! We distinguish not only the unmistakable quality and purity of the products, the unique concept of direct Slovak-Indonesian cooperation, but also the honest 100% handmade production. Our products are handmade and packaged in Bio-degradable and glass containers. We prefer handmade because of honesty, precision and high quality. It is also a beautiful system to support the employment of local people.
Social responsibility matters to us. We aim to support lovely people in both continets. Our Social responsibility program in Indonesia focus on care of orphans, elders and communities where our natural goodies are being produced.
Social responsibility program executed on the other side of a planet (Europe) focus on supporting people with disability to explore the world around them, develop their skills and achieve the outcomes they want in their life. We have been cooperating with Slovak NGO called Trenčín na ceste. Our product are hand packed by young people with physical and mental disabilities.
Supported employment is an important alternative to open employment which not only provides a meaningful job and a wage, but also enables people to learn and develop new skills, improve their health and wellbeing, and provides lots of opportunities to meet new people and make new friends.
We celebrate when we see firsthand the difference the right supports can make in a person’s life. We celebrate improved health and wellbeing, involvement in new social activities, new interests in the community and a real sense of belonging and connection to family and friends, housemates and workmates.